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        Some skills come naturally to some than others. But fret not, everyone is capable of having these skills. All these skills are essential to becoming a good leader.


Being a leader takes communication skills. It isn't that hard. But you have to be confident; no hiding allowed. Take the initiative and lead! We all have someone who we do not get along with but we have to. Changing the way we communicate with others is vital. Not changing yourself but the way you talk. Talking to an adult, a child, a teacher to your friend is all different. You probably do not want to use slang and abbreviations with an adult or teacher but you probably use them with your friend. I learned this myself when I went to ask for food donations. Posture, tone of voice, eye contact is all needed. It may seem fake for you at first but soon it comes naturally. Don't change yourself though; change the talk.


Teaching can be extremely fun yet extremely difficult. But one must acquire patience.






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